G3 Quixant podcast: Looking ahead to G2E, industry trends and roadmap innovation

News G3 Quixant podcast: Looking ahead to G2E, industry trends and roadmap innovation Tune in to the latest Pulse podcast, where Quixant’s VP of Marketing and Communications, Annalisa Bloss, joins G3’s Managing Director, Lewis Pek. Together, they discuss Quixant’s upcoming hardware and software innovations set to debut at the G2E exhibition. G2E is a short few weeks away, what’s been Quixant's mission in 2024 and how does this align with your presence in Vegas? At Quixant, our mission is to help our customers create the best games. That's all we're about. So that means continuing to enhance our products. It means developing products with an increasing focus on power, performance, reliability and flexibility. As the needs of the market continue to evolve, so do our products. And, most importantly, it's about providing support and expertise to enable that journey. G2E is an opportunity for us to bring that mission to life where we will be showcasing our latest innovative technology and connecting with industry leaders to understand how we can best support them in their number one mission - to create the best games. What objectives do you have for the exhibition? Our objectives are really, really simple. We are there to reconnect with our current partners and build new relationships, making sure that we're always in tune with what the industry needs. This year at the show we are showcasing our latest products to a global gaming audience and highlighting how we can help them elevate their games. Importantly, we want to soak up lots of the industry insights, trends, and customer feedback. And we’ll use this to guide our future product development. G2E is our chance to show our commitment to the industry, to our customers, and to their ongoing success. [...]

2024-09-03T08:45:54+00:003 September 2024|

G3 Quixant podcast: Reflections on ICE, the launch of the IQ 2 and predictions for 2024

News G3 Quixant podcast: Reflections on ICE, the launch of the IQ 2 and predictions for 2024 Hear from Quixant’s Abhinay Bhagavatula, EVP, CTO and Global Manufacturing Leader and G3’s Managing Director Lewis Pek in the latest Pulse podcast. We've just said goodbye to the final ICE London show. What was your overall impression of the show? We saw a huge turnout at this year's event, both from visitors and the 600+ exhibitors showcasing over 1,000 product launches. Just from a number’s perspective, it was enormous. We had a very busy three days with a lot of new enquiries, new connections, innovative discussions and further insights. What I saw personally was a lot of interest from online and sports betting companies displaying very creative solutions, with conversations focused on improving player engagement. It is always a positive step when companies in the gaming industry put the player at the core of the gaming experience. And I think from a lab-based perspective, it is great to see a wider range of products targeting a larger demographic space. It has also been very encouraging that we are seeing more product entering the market than we have seen in the last couple of years. Overall, there were a lot of positives to take from this year's ICE London show. At the show, Quixant launched its new IQ2 product. What were the key elements that excited visitors at ICE? Quixant offer three ranges of products, IQ, IQON and QMAX. IQ is our cost-effective entry-level product range. At ICE last year we launched our QMAX 3 product followed by our IQON 2 product at G2E this October passed. So, we were excited to launch our IQ 2 at ICE, and I can share that it was a [...]

2024-07-16T11:54:04+00:0020 February 2024|

Quixant and Intel To the Edge and beyond podcast

News Quixant and Intel “To the Edge and beyond” podcast: The power of partnerships and exploring evolving gaming industry trends Intel and Quixant join forces on the "To the Edge & Beyond" podcast to explore the technological innovation propelling the gaming industry into new realms of experience. Hear from Intel's Camilo Dennis, Gaming Partner & Ecosystem Manager, and Quixant's Duncan Faithfull, EVP, Business Leader, and CCO and Abhinay Bhagavatula, EVP, CTO, and Global Manufacturing Leader in this exclusive podcast moderated by Michelle Dawn Mooney.  When reflecting on Quixant's latest collaboration with Intel Faithfull said "We're enabling game designers to unleash their creativity without being restricted by technology.” The launch of Quixant’s IQ 2 platform at the ICE gaming show signifies a milestone in this collaborative journey - completing Quixant’s range of Intel based products - and promising to meet the nuanced demands of the gaming market. Bhagavatula adds, "Our IQ 2 offering is a testament to our commitment to continuous innovation, enhancing storage, performance, and scalability for our customers."  Dennis emphasizes the strength of the collaboration, "It's been great to find a partner like Quixant to strengthen that relationship." He reflects on Intel's dedication to understanding and fulfilling customer needs within the gaming sector.   During the podcast, the discussion delves into the evolving gaming landscape, where omnichannel experiences are creating a seamless player experience across multiple customer touch points.  As the conversation concludes, Faithfull and Bhagavatula extend an invitation to the audience to explore their offerings further, "We'll be there in person at ICE, looking forward to engaging in great conversations," they express. Dennis also encourages listeners to connect with Intel on LinkedIn for insights into their gaming endeavors.  To find out more about Quixant’s and Intel’s partnership and new platform offering, arrange [...]

2024-07-16T09:29:36+00:0031 January 2024|

G3 Quixant podcast: The launch of the IQ 2 for cost-sensitive markets and 2024 outlook

News G3 Quixant podcast: The launch of the IQ 2 for cost-sensitive markets and 2024 outlook Ahead of unveiling our latest product range at ICE London 2024, Duncan Faithfull, Chief Commercial Officer at Quixant, describes the benefits of the new Intel-based IQ 2 platform, which delivers great power, performance and functionality, at an accessible price point. Quixant has a headliner this year at ICE. You're about to launch your new Intel-based IQ 2. What's special and why are visitors going to be excited to get their hands on the new platform? Quxiant offers three distinct product families; the high-end Intel-based QMAX range launched at ICE 2023; at G2E 2023, we launched the mid-range IQON; and now the IQ 2 is launching at ICE London to fully complete and complement the IQ family set. At ICE London visitors will experience the full suite of products from Quixant which are available with both AMD and Intel options. We are proud of our relationship built with Intel. It has been a year of hard work integrating Intel products onto our platforms, but this means we are now leveraging the 12th generation Alder Lake processors, which is exciting because it delivers great power, performance and functionality, at an accessible price point. The driving principle behind the Quixant product family is making sure that whatever your requirements cost wise, we will always deliver the ultimate power, the ultimate performance, and the ultimate ability to show your games in the best light possible. ICE London is an opportunity for our customers to explore the range and talk to us about what they are trying to achieve with their games in 2024. The launch of IQ 2 gives us the opportunity to offer an Intel platform at whatever price point [...]

2024-07-17T19:35:58+00:0018 January 2024|

Abhinay Bhagavatula G3 Pulse Podcast: Reflections on G2E 2023

News Abhinay Bhagavatula G3 Pulse Podcast: Reflection on G2E, the launch of the Intel based IQON 2 and what to expect from Quixant in 2024 Abhinay, what were your views and impressions of the recent G2E Las Vegas expo? G2E 2023 was once again a truly global event. At this year’s expo we were able to spend a lot of time with industry suppliers and customers, not just within the US, but from international markets. We met with visitors from the Philippines to London to Hong Kong and Bulgaria, among many others. I think this brought back the charm of G2E. It was also a very busy show this year, both from a visitor and exhibitor standpoint. Additionally, on the expo floor we saw manufacturers prioritising hardware and software from the perspective of the player. The player has always been at the core of this industry and both on the exhibition and casino floors in Las Vegas, we saw that products had become bigger, brighter and bolder. Payment systems, cashless solutions, digital wallets, and slot integration within the omnichannel experience was front and centre at this year’s show. So, I’d say my key takeaway from G2E 2023 was of an industry that is once again pushing the boundaries of innovation. Having taken the pulse of the US market whilst at G2E, what's your view of the North American market right now? How is it performing and how is Quixant capitalising on growth state side? Market movement has been very interesting. From both keynotes and speaking to industry experts at the show, there’s been a shift in macroeconomic trends in the global gaming industry, and the numbers have been staggering. Maintaining the momentum from last year, we have seen how operators benefited from [...]

2024-07-16T11:27:55+00:002 November 2023|

Enhancing Quixant’s hardware, software, and support offering to enable our partners to deliver the ultimate customer experience

News Enhancing Quixant’s hardware, software, and support offering to enable our partners to deliver the ultimate customer experience Duncan Faithfull, EVP, Quixant Business Leader and CCO, Quixant – G3 Pulse podcast Duncan Faithfull, EVP and CCO of Quixant talks with Lewis Pek, Editor of G3 Magazine about Quixant’s Intel roadmap, enhanced software offering, support provided to customers, and expectations of G2E this year. Duncan, what can we expect to see from Quixant at the G2E show next month? And what are your expectations of the exhibition? The Quixant team is really looking forward to G2E this year. We are excited to meet both current and future customers in Las Vegas, and we're already hearing feedback from our customer base that they’ll be showcasing a host of new and innovative products at this year’s event. Our biggest customers are excited about their new cabinet and game offerings, and already the organisers are predicting that attendance is going to be very strong this year, which is always a great indicator that our industry is in good health. Quixant has a great stand this year and we have got some amazing new products and solution to present to visitors. At G2E we are focusing upon our core product range. Quixant is well known in the industry for our orange boxes, which offer the full range of PCs, from IQ at the lower end, IQON, our mid-range option, right up to the highest performing QMAX - all of which include our embedded Software Suite solutions. We also continue to develop our cabinet proposition, which means that our booth will highlight both our core products and the future direction of the Quixant business. And, importantly for us, we are going to be launching a new [...]

2023-10-06T02:17:02+00:004 September 2023|

Quixant’s LatAm gaming and sports betting market focus ahead of G2E

News Quixant’s LatAm gaming and sports betting market focus ahead of G2E Patricia Souto Rial – VP Business Development - Spain/LatAm, Quixant – G3 Pulse podcast As a supplier to the gaming and sports betting market how do you best support a continent that covers 19 million sq.km and a population of 656 million, and provide products and offerings which are tailored to the specific needs of the market? Patricia Souto Rial, VP of Business Development for Spain and Latin America at Quixant. Patricia, what are the most important and most valuable markets for Quixant, and which of the markets - for example Mexico, Colombia, Brazil - do you see as having the most growth potential? The Latin market as a whole is extremely important for Quixant offering very exciting opportunities. The Gaming market is our bread and butter - it is all we do - which means we are focused purely upon supporting customers in countries like Colombia, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic and not to forget Brazil as you say, which is an exciting opportunity with the incoming sports betting regulations. The Quixant LatAm team is focusing on developing this market with a keen understanding of the particular complexities and specific requirements necessary to support the gaming industry in LatAm. What’s Quixant’s footprint in the region? What local expertise does Quixant boast in LatAm? And how do you cover such a vast area - I imagine your supply chain has to be ‘on point’? Quixant is already present within the Latin American market and has been continuously growing business within the region in recent years. Markets with a strong appetite for growth, such as Colombia, Puerto Rico, Brazil and Mexico, have presented opportunities for Quixant to support local OEM [...]

2023-10-06T02:18:30+00:004 September 2023|

Abhinay Bhagavatula G3 Pulse Podcast: Reflections on ICE

News Abhinay Bhagavatula G3 Pulse Podcast: Reflections on ICE, Quixant’s launch of innovative new solutions at the show, and expectations for 2023 Abhinay, how did the ICE 2023 show play out on the Quixant booth in London? ICE 2023 was an incredibly successful show for Quixant and it was impressive to see the whole industry back with a vengeance. This was an exhibition in which we saw a lot of interest both from our land-based customers and from the online sector, which is expanding as the land-based and online markets continue to converge. Plus, as regulations open more markets, sports betting is also a key element in that expansion, with developments in the US market carrying through into Europe. This was highlighted at ICE where we saw a large presence from the sports betting side of the industry. How did London compare to Vegas? There had been a lot of conversation at G2E about the potential for a slowdown of the markets due to the recession on the horizon. However, conversations at ICE were wholly positive and demonstrate just how strong gaming markets are holding up, and how many are looking forward to further expansion. This was the overall sentiment of customers at ICE, as they looked to new markets opening up across Europe in the near future. The EMEA market does not appear to be slowing down any time soon. You launched your latest QMAX product at ICE – a premium Gaming platform powered by Intel. How was this launch received - especially as you’re a business that’s historically been more aligned with AMD? As a technology company we want to put our customers at the forefront of innovation and Intel's strategy will help us to achieve those goals. Our [...]

2023-11-06T22:38:05+00:0023 February 2023|

Duncan Faithfull G3 Pulse Podcast: Game-changing Technology

News Duncan Faithfull G3 Pulse Podcast: Game-changing Technology – Delivering the ultimate player experience. Quixant is to unveil a range of new Intel-based products at ICE London that build upon the launch of its new cabinet range G3 speaks to Quixant’s Chief Commercial Officer, Duncan Faithful, about the ongoing supply chain issues that continue to linger from the pandemic, but also the optimism that’s driving the gaming industry forward into 2023 and towards a spectacular ICE London exhibition. Looking back to 2022, how would you summarise the year for Quixant? I think 2022 was a year of transition - and from the point of view of the industry, the two big gaming shows - ICE and G2E - mirrored the developments that we saw across the year. ICE London in April was an event dominated by online and sports betting, and for Quixant, it was also the first time in many years that we didn’t take a booth, but observed from the show floor. Fast forward six months to G2E, however, and it was a completely different experience. Despite the fact that all of our new product development (NPD), which we will see at ICE this year, wasn’t on show at G2E, the nervousness from ICE in April had been replaced by optimism. Our booth was rammed and the attitude from customers was: “lets go for it!” The industry is raring to go, but have the supply issues that dogged us throughout the pandemic gone away yet? I think the industry is right to still be a bit cautious on that front. Having just been to Taiwan and talking to several suppliers in China, we are not out of the woods yet in terms of all of the component issues we’ve talked [...]

2023-11-06T22:42:31+00:0026 January 2023|

Abhinay Bhagavatula G3 Pulse Podcast: Reflections on G2E & Quixant’s turnkey cabinets

News Abhinay Bhagavatula G3 Pulse Podcast: Reflections on G2E, the state of the Gaming industry approaching 2023, the supply chain situation and the launch of Quixant's turnkey cabinets Abhinay Bhagavatula - EVP Gaming Business and CTO, Quixant – G3 Pulse podcast Quixant exhibited at G2E 2022 in Las Vegas - what are your impressions of the show - and of the market in general? The last couple of years have been challenging for everyone in the Gaming industry - including the gaming exhibitions. However, this year’s G2E was one of the best shows in recent times, which is remarkable considering the challenges the industry has faced. What I found most interesting about the event this year, was the industry reset that has taken place. We have seen surging demand in new and existing markets over the last 12 months and G2E confirmed this trend. It was great to see that Gaming has reclaimed its pivotal role in mainstream entertainment - especially in Las Vegas - where business is overwhelmingly positive right now. For a long time G2E has been a barometer used by Gaming suppliers, distributors, and operators to define their roadmap for the future, and it was fantastic to engage in positive conversations once again on the exhibition floor. We look forward to a very positive period of growth as we head into 2023. At the show Quixant launched a new range of cabinets - Quantum and Qinetic - what’s the background to the launch of the cabinets, and the reason for creating cabinet hardware at this time? Conversations with customers have increasingly focused on sports betting, land-based and retail markets. Quixant’s new Quantum range of products services the VLT and EGM side of the market, while Qinetic focuses on [...]

2023-12-14T13:55:05+00:0015 November 2022|
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